Kami Watson | Fiber and Textiles
“My background in environmental conservation and international living has greatly influenced my artistic path. I draw from my experiences in diverse cultures and environmental influences worldwide, allowing them to instinctively guide my color and design choices. I use a combination of renewable natural fibers, recycled textiles, and materials I dye myself, bringing together elements from both nature and my own life story into my creative process.”
Kami Watson is a second-generation fiber and textile artist specializing in wet felting, the ancient process of creating a textile by combining thin layers of wool fiber with soap, water, and agitation. Using this labor-intensive technique, she creates both sculptural and flat textile work, combining process-knowledge learned from her mother with her own creative exploration. Upon being awarded a Craft Fellowship from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, she also studied with internationally renowned felt artists to continue to expand her knowledge of her craft. She draws inspiration from the people and places she’s encountered and experienced while living her free-spirited and primarily nomadic life.
Both a working and teaching artist now residing in Huntsville, Alabama, Kami has a studio located in Lowe Mill ARTS and has taught at art museums, craft schools, artist facilities, and her studio. Currently, you can find her creating in her studio, teaching workshops at the Huntsville Museum of Art, or as a recipient of a Verdant Fund grant, part of a Regional Re-granting Program by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, providing classes for the local community via the North Huntsville Public Library.